America's Got Talent Season 13 (Audition Overview)

America's Got Talent Season 13 (Audition Overview)

So now that all of the auditions are over and we'll be getting ready for judge cuts, I wanna do a quick overview on what we've seen as a whole.

To start, right off the bat, I don't feel enough "wow" factor for this season of AGT. Yes of course, there are still a select few acts that always make your jaw drop, but this time around I feel like those kinds of acts were very limited. Is it just me? It might be due to watching this show for many years, so I guess I've seen it all.

To be fair, despite some repetitiveness between acts, there were still some highs for this season. Any time there's a dog act, I'm 100% in for them. So obviously, I really enjoyed the singing dog on the most recent episode, and am really hoping that they move on to the live shows, as unlikely as it may seem due to possible limitations of what and how the dog could sing. Other standout acts for me include "The Savitsky Cats", Sixto and Lucia (quick change act), and Brian King (electric violinist) just to name a few.

Image result for america's got talent oscar and pam

The golden buzzer picks is another thing that has left me unimpressed and disappointed. First off, I'd like to say that each singer that received the Golden Buzzer are all AMAZING! Their voices are truly astounding, but where the problem comes in, and I think I speak for many when I say this, I just wish there was more variety when it came to these picks. A comedian, magician, danger act? All good options and had several acts that I believe were qualified for a golden buzzer pick this season. I believe it would bring more eyes and attention to the show and will be more representative of all the talent that's involved in this show rather than have all singers, as good as they each were.

One very minuscule thing (though I guess not as minuscule since it does affect the viewing of the show in general) is when the commercials would announce that a golden buzzer pick was coming. It would be nice to not have the golden buzzer pick obviously placed last in the show and for the commercial advertisements to not say that a golden buzzer is coming. I understand to a certain degree that it's to get more eyes glued to the screen to see who it will be, but it still ruins the surprise and shock factor. This has been going on in other seasons too, so let's hope for the future this will change.

I would like to add that Tyra feels more prepared and natural as a host this time around. Perhaps due to us watching only edited clips, so I guess we'll have to check out the live shows for the real deal (though she was never particularly bad last year either. I think she's growing a bit more on everyone, which is nice) The judges are pretty much the same, favorite being Howie of course. Though, I do wish he would see the bigger picture when it comes to judging choir acts and the talent they bring rather than shutting them down simply because they're a choir. Mel B seems a bit more cranky than usual (still like her), and Heidi is improving on her judging skills. (I always felt like she was lacking a little bit when it came to her judging on the acts). And I'm really liking Simon! (I never disliked him) He's actually really funny despite those questionable and tense moments where he stops a singer mid act.

Image result for america's got talent michael ketterer

In terms of who will win, of the three I mentioned above, I do think Brian King has a good chance of winning. It was one of the acts that I really enjoyed and appreciated and it just looks like he was so happy and grateful to be performing. Just aburst of positive energy. Other such as The Sacred Riana, Michael Ketterer and Samuel J Comroe all have potential to make it far, though I believe that they will all be overshadowed by, who I think the winner this season will be, Courtney Hadwin. The way her personality was portrayed and how she transitioned into her unique singing makes her a clear candidate to win. It's clear that America loves her at this point, and I'm excited to see some of her next performances.

Though that's who I think will win, who do I personally want to take the prize? There are a few that stick out to me whether it's because I love animals (Oscar and Pam (singing dog),  The Savitsky Cats) or because they're from similar backgrounds (Amanda Mena, Da Republik (Dominican Republic representers!)) or because they're just flat out entertaining (Sixto and Lucia (quick change)) Though, through all of them, I would be glad with Brian King winning the whole thing.

Image result for america's got talent brian king

So, what's your take on the season thus far? Enjoying it as much as previous seasons? Or are you in the same hole as me, not as "wowed" as other acts in other seasons? Let me know!

Thank you for reading, stay tuned for other reviews! (any suggestions?)

Until next review,

